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搜索, Recommendation, 和 Curation: Attract 和 Keep Viewers


任何出版商都知道, “Post it 和 they will come” isn’t an effective strategy for getting your video seen. 最新的搜索策略, 建议, 和 discovery can help your content st和 out among the rest.

As video distribution 和 consumption continue to grow exponentially, viewers need efficient ways to find what they’re looking for. 在一个极端的例子中,最近谷歌搜索“猫视频”获得了近4亿次点击. 出版商如何确保正确的猫视频出现在想要看到它们的人面前?

观众的注意力持续时间有限,你不希望他们把时间浪费在错误的内容上. The problem with video is that it’s essentially a blob, a fairly unsearchable (or what engineers like to call unstructured) piece of data. Viewers need help finding what they want, 无论是庞大的内容库中的特定视频,还是单个视频中的特定片段.

搜索, 建议, 策划是让观众找到他们想要的内容和帮助他们找到他们可能不知道的内容的三个关键. 搜索 和 建议 are primarily automated, algorithmic events. 为本文的目的, search refers to finding something within a particular video, while 建议 offers viewers guidance to finding the videos. 策展为技术工作流程增添了人情味,为观众提供了围绕特定主题或主题的最佳内容.

This article looks at how six companies are working to solve the search, 建议, 以及策展挑战.


科技公司 斜坡Panopto 在他们的平台上有搜索工具,可以让你在一段视频的特定点上找到内容. 他们通过开发基于时间编码的文本和一套完整的缩略图的非常丰富的元数据来做到这一点. 这个细节允许搜索引擎在视频中找到观众正在寻找的术语的确切位置. 当视频有丰富的标签时, 转录, 和标题, 它有更好的机会出现在各种内容系统和搜索引擎中,从而被看到.

美国公共电视台 (APT)想让观众更容易从其CreateTV系列的大量内容库中找到在线节目. “The primary business we’re supporting is broadcast television. 我们创建了一个配套网站(createtv.com),为频道提供一个丰富的网站,他们也可以用它来吸引和留住观众,格里·菲尔德说, vice president of technology at 美国公共电视台. “We wanted some way to search through programming 和 help people navigate it.”

CreateTV上的视频.com are accompanied by full transcripts that allow viewers to search within a video, 以及在蓝色条中选择的对程序有特殊意义的术语. 对于旅游视频,该网页包括一个由节目内容触发的谷歌地图. 

菲尔德表示,CreateTV网站使用了JW Player的一个版本,该版本结合了斜坡的转录和搜索功能. “你在[视频]下面看到的是基于我们选择在程序下显示的字幕的完整文字记录,菲尔德说. “你也可以点击成绩单的任何部分,它就会转到该项目的那一部分. 在玩家下方的蓝色条中是我们确定的可能对程序有重要意义的术语.”


“我们想为旅行做一件非常简单的事情,那就是给视频提供一些背景. 谷歌地图,” which Gerry identified on the right of the player on the webpage, “is triggered by the content of the program.”

“只要你有很多东西,你就会遇到搜索问题,”斜坡的首席执行官汤姆•王尔德(Tom Wilde)说. “When you think about search in general, most search systems have been built around an assumption of text. Google, Facebook, 和 Twitter all are based on text as the primary raw material.”


“So our strategy is to wrap each video with as much metadata as you can, 和 ultimately you have what appears to the search engine as a document,王尔德说. “在很多方面,我们说视频是新的文档,因为它正在取代文档所占据的许多用例.

“So what it means is the right piece of content in front of the right user, 在适当的时候,王尔德继续说道. “If you put all this effort into producing the content 和 people can’t find it, 它对任何人都没有价值. Making sure that part of your video search is not just finding the video, 但是在视频中找到相关的点并提供跳转到功能是视频的另一个不同之处, but it’s also something that users expect.”

In addition to supplying as much text as possible with your video, 王尔德建议使用缩略图——他说这能显著提高点击率——和网站地图. 他推荐一个完整的视频网站地图,一个提交给谷歌网站管理员网站地图.

Panopto编译音频转录, 屏幕上的文本, 元数据为其系统中的视频提供丰富的可搜索术语和字符串集合. 

“Google has a separate site map for videos, 你肯定想这样做,因为这是你的视频在谷歌中显示的方式,作为一种网络发现策略,王尔德说.

And even though much of what companies such as 斜坡 offer is achieved via automation, technology alone can’t provide all the solutions. “我很清楚,在没有字幕的情况下提供字幕并不是一件小事,菲尔德说. “It needs to have eyeballs on it; it can’t just be machine-generated. With travel programs, we have programs from all over the world. Voice recognition typically doesn’t do that well.”

Qualcomm 使用Panopto的工具设置搜索字符串,在其视频库中查找内容,以创建一系列企业培训, 销售, 以及合作伙伴参与服务. 高通的用例是这样一种情况:查看者进入存档查找非常具体的内容,并迅速将其取出.

“The ability to search for a specific talking point, 在幻灯片或笔记或任何地方,演讲者说了一些与搜索字符串匹配的东西, 这很酷,肯·戴维斯说。, learning technology specialist at Qualcomm. “Panopto provides one-click recording, uploading, 和 distribution right out of the box. 这对我们很有吸引力. What we’re trying to do is recording of instructor-led events. It’s much more of a learning engagement tool than just a video streaming platform, 和 that was the appealing thing to us in the learning center.”

Davis says his group does quite a bit of curation, compiling relevant videos for particular stakeholders. “我们把这些链接作为学习项目发送出去,这样人们就可以访问那个链接,看到包含搜索字符串的不同视频的完整列表,他说. “每个观众都可以创建笔记,然后在视频中同步,成为内容的一部分,可以与其他人分享.”

“我们意识到,要解决视频搜索问题,我们必须帮助人们创建本质上可搜索的内容,Panopto首席执行官埃里克·伯恩斯说. “视频搜索非常具有挑战性,因为它只是一系列图像,而且文件大小非常大. 所以除非用元数据装饰, 除非有某种管理, 在很多情况下, 这是黑暗的内容.”

The challenge is finding something within 150,000 hours of video content. Panopto基于许多演示使用幻灯片来构建内容的理解来构建其产品. Its product does full speech recognition on the audio track, runs optical character recognition to extract any 屏幕上的文本, 索引手工元数据, 比如描述, 标题, 创建者的名字, 创造者BIOS.

伯恩斯说:“Panopto搜索的一个关键部分是,我们只是找不到视频。. “We actually find you the instant in the video where your search term occurs.”

So if you have a 3-hour recording of a 销售 conference or a town hall meeting, Panopto’s search will allow you to find a specific reference within the video.

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